Головна » 2016 » Січень » 15 » Lesson 9. Me and my personality.
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Lesson 9. Me and my personality.

Lesson 9. Me and my personality.



  • to develop students’ reading, listening and speaking skills;
  • to encourage creative thinking;
  • to focus on your own personality;
  • To revise vocabulary and grammar knowledge before the test, that will be next lesson




  1. Warm up

     Look carefully at the pictures given in the files.

Choose the one that you like best. After that read the character description that matches the letter under the pictures you have chosen. Do you think the description really shows your character?

  1. Гори
  2. Море та яхта
  3. Дорога через поле 
  4. Вулиця в місті  
  5. Сільска церква
  6. Старе місто.


A.You are a serious person and you need clear ideas and values. At the same time you are ambitious and you have a strong desire to do well and succeed. You like the outdoor life and you hate wasting time. You expect a lot from the person you love-you don’t want second best.


B.You want to escape from your present life to find new emotions and experiences in another country. You still,however, depend on other people, especially on your friends. You are difficult to live with but you are very loving. You have a lot to other people, but you demand a lot, too.


C.You are always looking for action, you want things to happen, but sometimes you want an easy answer when there isn`t one. You look for order and logic in everything- even in love.You don’t have much imagination, but you are practical and have many skills.You are suspicious of very strong emotions.


D.You need strong results and will spend a lot of money to achieve what you want. You don’t give up easily. You like being up to date and you are interested in fashion. You are a leader,you were not born to follow other people like a sheep. You look for simple friendships. You aren’t sentimental or unrealistic.


E.You do not like being alone but prefer the company of order people-people like yourself. You feel safe in small groups and look for friends with the same ideas as yours. You are a good and faithful friend-trustworithy.


F.You are an imaginative and creative person. You sometimes dream instead of concentrating. You are an affectionate person and enjoy the company of a lot of people around you. You are sentimental and romantic but you must be careful not to trust others too much or expect too much.

Now here are two interesting presentations about your personality .


  1. Main part


Every person desires to improve his or her own personality.

It is quite evident in the methods and processes that are being employed in order to accomplish this particular goal.  This is perhaps the reason why people buy new clothes or cut their hair. They improve their image and other things related to changing their appearances.

Personality goes beyond external appearance. It includes dispositions, traits, qualities, speech, and other things innate in the person.

Here are some tips in improving personality:

1.  Be interested in people. Try to discover what other people want. Know their likes, dislikes, interests, and beliefs. By doing this, you will be regarded as a person with an attractive and pleasing personality.

2. Assume that people like you. If you show the other person that you want people to talk to you, they will react to you with warmth.

3. Admit your weaknesses. Do not regard yourself as a perfect person. Just as persons have strengths, they also have their weaknesses. To improve your personality, you should admit that you also have defects.

4. Admire your friends. Praise them for their achievements. Tell them how attractive they look. Make them feel how important they are to you.  By this, they will also give importance.

5.  Associate with people who are successful and happy. Seek the companionship of others who can give you new points of views, renewed hopes, and meaningful life.  Ask for their advice and guidance. They can give you valuable insights about their experiences in life. You can learn from their insights and apply their insights to improving your personality.

6. Attend social gatherings. Social gatherings can increase your circle of friends.  Social events can likewise give you new insights and experiences.  It can help improve your relationships with other people and your community.  Social gatherings can help you develop your communication skills.

7. Change your environment. Go on vacation or rest in a new place.  Renovate your house and fix your furniture.  Introduce changes in your environment.

8. Learn new things. Learn how to cook or play the piano. Enroll in voice lessons. Indulge in gardening.  By doing this, you are expanding your horizons.

Aside from this, you can also develop your skills in other areas such as public speaking and understanding other people’s attitudes and beliefs.

Improving your personality takes a lot of work and dedication.  While it may take a lot of work, it can be worthwhile and fun because you are focusing your attention on improving relationships with others and yourself.


Exercise 1

Give the stereotypes for different nations: American, Japanese, German, French, Italian, British, and Ukrainian. The pupils are given a list of adjectives and they should choose which adjectives go with these nationalities.

hard-working  easy-going  punctual  friendly  reserved  emotional lazy  hospitable  sociable  formal  casual  enthusiastic  quiet  tolerant  talkative  sophisticated   well-dressed  fun-loving  respectful  serious  humorous  nationalistic  romantic



Exercise 2


Read the text and decide if the statements given after it are True or False.

                                                Interpersonal attractive

    Both personal characteristics and environment play a role in interpersonal attractive.People who come into contact regularly and have negative feelings about each other generally becomeattracted.The   situation in which people  first meet also determines how they feel about each other.One  is more likely to feel friendly  toward a person in pleasant, comfortable circumstances.People are generally drawn to each other when they perceive similarities with each other. The more attitudes and opinions two people share, the greater the probability that they will like each other. One of the most important shared attitudes is that liking or disliking the same people creates a strong bond between the two. Moreover once two people become friends, they begin to influence each other's attitudes. Personality type is another determinant of interpersonal attraction (e.g. the complementary pairing of a dominant person with a submissive one). People gravitate to others who share their feelings about sociability, friendliness, and warmth.       Another important factor in interpersonal attraction is that of physical appearance, even among members of the same sex. Kindness, sensitivity, intelligence, modesty, and sociability are among those characteristics that are often attributed to physically attractive individuals. In one study, attractive job applicants (both male and female) were given preferential treatment by prospective employers compared with equally qualified candidates who were less attractive. There is also evidence that physical appearance has a greater role in the attraction of males to females than vice versa. Behavior , as well as appearance, influences interpersonal attraction. Some experts claim that when people select potential mates, they look for someone whose status, physical attractiveness, and personal qualities are roughly equivalent to their own. According to another theory, a person will choose a partner who will enhance his or her own self-image or persona. Initially, berth men and women use varied repertoires of body language to signal interest. Men may stretch or engage in preening motions, such as smoothing the hair or adjusting neckties, and younger men often affect a swagger. Women draw attention to themselves by tossing or playing with their hair, tilting their heads, raising their eyebrows, giggling or blushing. The first connection is generally made through eye contact, often an intent gaze, which is then lowered or averted. If the eye contact is positively received, a smile often follows and a conversation is initiated. The final step in the initial romantic attraction is known as mirroring, which is a matching of nonverbal body language. By these actions, the couple mutually transmit the messages that they like and are like each other. This mirroring activity is not connected only with romantic relationships. Infants begin to mirror adult behavior shortly after birth. This technique is practiced by therapists, salespeople, and others whose work depends on establishing a sense of closeness with others. Generally, mirroring may be seen in any grouping of individuals who feel comfortable with and are close to each other.


True or False:

1.                The most important factor for the first impression is absence of negative information about the person you meet

2.                Two people feel attraction to each other if not all their attitudes to life and other people are the same.

3.                Similarity of character types is important for successful partnership.

4.                Complementary pairing is based on the principle “extremes meet”.

5.                People who look physically attractive are supposed to haw good personal characteristics.

6.                One of the researches showed that less attractive candidates had advantage over more attractive ones.

7.                Women are more attracted by physical appearance than men.

8.                Some researches believe that sexual physical attraction is based on similarity.

9.                he author of the article compares men’s courting behaviour with that of birds.

  1. The author of the article compares women’s flirting behaviour with that of cats.

11.          Verbal language is used more often than body language to show physical attraction between couples.

12.          People often imitate the body language of those they are interested in professionally or emotionally.


Exercise 3

In the grid write down the ways men and women may signal their interest to each other (you  may also add your own observations)



Smoothing hair




After doing this exercise please revise your vocabulary about describing a person, his\her appearance and try to do some oral exercises

Look through the presentation and the vocabulary

Exercise 4

Read attentively and do the translation

  1. Вона була дуже впертою на вдачу і полюбляла командувати. Завжди покладається лише на себе, і саме через це незалежна в своїх думках та вчинках. Про такі її якості можна говорити однаковою мірою і як про позитивні риси, і як про вади. 
  2. Мені ніколи не подобалась його обережність та підозрілість у ставленні до оточуючих. І я нетерпляче чекала тієї миті, коли повернусь додому.        
  3. Коли ми описуємо наших улюблених кіногероїв, то вони виявляються приязними людьми, тобто є чесними, надійними, дружніми, готовими завжди прийти на допомогу.
  4. На вашу думку майбутній вчитель мусить бути оптимістом. Цей фах передбачає терпимість до помилок учнів, активну життєву позицію, творчий підхід, гнучкість, душевну щедрість.   
  5. Захоплення мандрівками та ризиком привело його на далеку Аляску. Острах перед сильними почуттями, впевненість, що ці почуття не для нього позбавили його єдиного люблячого серця Діани. Самотність та одвічна зима - це все, що він мав зараз.                   .
  6. Вчені стверджують, що здебільшого нас приваблюють чутливі, скромні та товариські люди. Правда, лише в тому випадку, коли мають приємну зовнішність.


  1. Homework

To prepare to the test

Викачати презентації до уроку: What is your personality type ?

What color is your personality

Describing people

Викачати матеріали до уроку: Recomendation

Results of test

Top 8 tips to improve your personality

Vocabulary for revising

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