Головна » 2016 » Січень » 16 » Colours in our life
9:51 PM
Colours in our life

What is colour?

Colour meanings, symbolically and emotionally, can vary widely from culture to culture and person to person. That's because how we react to color has a lot to do with how we've been programmed by our culture.

 Colour  is the visual perceptual property corresponding in humans to the categories called red, blue, yellow, green and others.

 Red is the warmest of all colours. The colour red is the color of energy, passion and action. The colour red is a warm and positive color associated with our most physical needs and our will to survive. It exudes a strong and powerful masculine energy.

Red is energizing. It excites the emotions and motivates us to take action.

 You see red!   Почервоніти від злості

To see red-   very angry.
We probably use red to describe anger because people’s faces turn red when they are angry. Imagine you became so angry your eyes became red, too. Then you might begin to “see red”

 In Ukrainian --- Red is hot, beautiful, bright, strong, attractive, active,  wild ,dangerous, rich, juicy, sweet, tasty et c.

 Blue is the coolest colour - the colour of the sky, ocean, sleep.

You are blue! - сумувати \  To feel blue- sad\
You can also  “be blue.”

 Pink is the colour of universal love. Pink is a quiet colour.

You are pink-  You are very happy.
When someone is tickled, he feels very excited and happy. Perhaps your skin becomes pink when you feel happy.

 The Colour Black

The meaning of the colour black is mystery and protection

Black is the colour of the hidden, the secretive and the unknown, creating an air of mystery. It keeps things bottled up inside, hidden from the world.

 In Ukrainian -- Black represents something unknown, secret.

  word "red" has several meanings in English.

  • Red flag (banner)- червоний прапор
  • red hair- руде волосся
  •  red with anger- почервонiлий вiд гнiву
  •  Rosy- pум’яний
  • Red hands- закривавленi руки
  •  a red ball in snooker- червона куля в бiльярдi
  •  Put in the red- привести до банкрутства

 The meanings of the word " black “

-        Black eye -- синяк під оком

 -       Black sheep - паршива вівця

    -    To blackmail - шантажувати

   -     Black dog - поганий настрій, туга

    -    To blacklist - занести в чорний список

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